About Me

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Washington, DC, United States
I'm a naturalized Caribbean immigrant in the grand old U.S.A. I live in the Hillcrest neighborhood of Ward 7 and I'm a forever-journalist. I started my first career as a magazine editor and I haven't been able to give it up. When I started this blog, I was knee-deep into my fourth career as a government public relations specialist. However, I have been heading up my editorial staffing company, Invisible Colours LLC out of my Ward 7 neighborhood. I'm expanding my company's brand by offering video production and other social media technologies for clients. This blog follows my journey as a 40-something-year old in Washington, D.C. Married for several years, I have three kids--a boy and two girls. I am blessed, and I'm loving all that God has given me. I have a master's in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelor's of arts from the University of the West Indies. I hope I can offer a little insight into my life and my experiences. Writing serves as a catharsis for me. It is what I do best. It is what I love. It is who I am.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

As Another Big Day Rolls Around

Today, June 16, is the start of 40 plus 2. Or as someone told me yesterday, I turned 25 for the umpteenth time. I'm not really sure what to make of 42. It's not such a big special birthday to me as 40, 45 or 50. But it has its own special place that means I've made it through another year. That my life continues and that I'm able to continue making changes. Influencing others. And having those moments that take my breath away.

Last week at a kid's birthday party, some of us parents were musing on when we should stop birthday parties for kids. One mom said point blank, I love birthdays. I'm not stopping the celebration. Loved her attitude. So positive. So much possibility. So much money.

What I do love about having my birthday on June 16 is that I get to share it with the late Tupac Shakur, the superstar rapper-actor who was killed when he was in his 20s; and talk show host Joe Madison, the Black Eagle. And I get to share it with some other friends from Facebook. It's not mine alone but I do get to share. And that's what it's about. Having the ability to share and to give of your time and your efforts or your finances. What is the point of accumulating all this knowledge, grace or forgiveness and not sharing it with others. Earlier this week, I spoke to my priest, Father Jim and he said too many people are poor. They're poor in spirit. They are where they are but by the grace of God and we need to recognize that. Turn a blind eye to judging others. And open up to help feed the soul of others. I do want to come down on the right side of humanity, and give as I can give, and then some if I can.

So to my other June 16 birthday sharers, here's looking at you, kid. Have a great one.