This is it. Today's the day, June 16, I've been blogging about and waiting for. And it's a darkish, rainy-looking day outside. God has blessed me with his rain. I feel completely blessed by the love enveloped around me. Not just by my family--my hubby, Antonio, and our three kids, but also by my friends on Facebook, and my extended family. That's a great thing about Facebook. Your friends have this ability to really make you feel loved and special. And they're all special for it.
Today, I feel good. I'm very happy to be part of the new 40s club. I'm excited about the possibilities. I'm happy about Vickey's Kitchen, as it's a launch to a new phase in my life. I'm not leaving my day job just yet but I'm embarking on a new journey that celebrates my "Trinidadianness." One of my buds already want to buy the hot sauce. Five bucks a bottle you all.
I had to work today as I was off for the last two weeks. Each year, I keep saying I need to take off the day as my focus isn't as it should be. I want to go see Jumping the Broom, but I'll do what I have to because I really like the job and my colleagues.
So, here's to the day. Thank you, friends for following my journey. It doesn't stop here. I want to continue exploring this 40-year-old self.
About Me
- MPEvans
- Washington, DC, United States
- I'm a naturalized Caribbean immigrant in the grand old U.S.A. I live in the Hillcrest neighborhood of Ward 7 and I'm a forever-journalist. I started my first career as a magazine editor and I haven't been able to give it up. When I started this blog, I was knee-deep into my fourth career as a government public relations specialist. However, I have been heading up my editorial staffing company, Invisible Colours LLC out of my Ward 7 neighborhood. I'm expanding my company's brand by offering video production and other social media technologies for clients. This blog follows my journey as a 40-something-year old in Washington, D.C. Married for several years, I have three kids--a boy and two girls. I am blessed, and I'm loving all that God has given me. I have a master's in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelor's of arts from the University of the West Indies. I hope I can offer a little insight into my life and my experiences. Writing serves as a catharsis for me. It is what I do best. It is what I love. It is who I am.
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