For followers of my blog, if you remember this post, On Dealing with Sudden Life Changes, many of you will know that I had been relieved of a position that offered me significant autonomy, income, prestige, credibility and more within the DC government structure. It was something I enjoyed as it also allowed me to serve the residents of the District of Columbia in a way I thought to be full of integrity and transparency.
It wasn't the direction the last director wanted to go. Well, it seemed for him, his direction wasn't the way the mayor wanted to go either. He was dismissed and relieved of his duties November 2013 for making a decision that didn't seem to be in the best interest of the city. He also seemed to have bitten off more than he should have, especially since President Obama's signature law, came into question. Without delving too much into it, the director put out a statement on a Thursday. By Friday, he had walking papers. The Friday after that, his communications adviser was also dismissed.
The lesson I take from this--more than anything else--is there is no permanence in any situation. You can be the king of the world today. And tomorrow, you're the joker of the court. That's why I take pity on some people in other parts of the District government who completely believe their own hype, that they'll never be taken down.
The DC government is a fickle animal. Today's king is tomorrow's joke. If you believe you're a director's pet and get the perks, enjoy it for now. Tomorrow, that director's out and the new one sees you as a threat not a pet. It's so temporary. And people take it dead serious. It's a job, yes, A career for many of us, yes. But I will always believe in this--"In government, there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends." I have always lived by this. I've been in government since 2004 and I've seen it firsthand.
The former director learned a difficult lesson as well. He probably would have liked an opportunity to explain his position further, to be given a second chance, to have a chance at a do-over. However, he had done the exact same thing by letting go several people who would liked to have been given the same opportunities to explain themselves, and to hold onto their careers. Being let go sets back your money-making goals, your career, your ego. This economy is not the best and to be put on the unemployment line is no joke. However, as you sow, ye shall reap.
About Me
- MPEvans
- Washington, DC, United States
- I'm a naturalized Caribbean immigrant in the grand old U.S.A. I live in the Hillcrest neighborhood of Ward 7 and I'm a forever-journalist. I started my first career as a magazine editor and I haven't been able to give it up. When I started this blog, I was knee-deep into my fourth career as a government public relations specialist. However, I have been heading up my editorial staffing company, Invisible Colours LLC out of my Ward 7 neighborhood. I'm expanding my company's brand by offering video production and other social media technologies for clients. This blog follows my journey as a 40-something-year old in Washington, D.C. Married for several years, I have three kids--a boy and two girls. I am blessed, and I'm loving all that God has given me. I have a master's in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelor's of arts from the University of the West Indies. I hope I can offer a little insight into my life and my experiences. Writing serves as a catharsis for me. It is what I do best. It is what I love. It is who I am.
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